Saturday, February 7, 2009

Donovan's New Bed

Today, we bought Donovan a new bed from Ikea. He now has a Kritter bed with a good new mattress, brand new sheets, quilt covers, quilts and pillow cases. We wanted the blue Kritter but that was out of stock.. so we went with white. Talk about a global financial crisis!! We had to wait for trolleys at the Self-Service area!

I guess - people HAVE to spend on certain things. In times like these, cheap furniture from Ikea is definitely better than a LaZ boy.

We made the mistake that many 1st-time parents made. We had Donovan sleeping in our bedroom since birth. In fact, for the last year, Donovan has been sleeping in our BED - Vincent sleeps in the hall / floor / wherever there's flat ground. Now, we have Donovan's Kritter bed next to our bed. He'll just have to learn how to sleep on his own bed.

Huge expenditures always worry me. Still gotta go back for a wedding photo shoot. We have already decided not to do any outdoor photo shoots - doing studio pics alone, we save a few hundred bucks.

I think I'm neurotic. I worry when I see a huge mortgage remaining - how I wish I could pay off more of that mortgage so that I don't have to worry this much.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Inked Mama,
    Will you still be doing photoshoot in Singapore? Actually most photographers do not charge extra for outdoor shoots, indoor and outdoor would be the same rate, they go by the number of pics you choose after the whole shoot:-)
